IoT and Wireless Connectivity Challenges


There’s a lot going on in the IoT right now and networking the wider world has never been so active. 4G and Super-Fastbroadband are finally delivering ubiquitous useable capacity for high speed solutions and 2G remains for low data requirements although equally essential in function. It’s finally looking like the promises of a world where more devices are connected than people is finally going to happen, in fact it may be well on the way, it’s just very difficult to judge or measure as it is happening across so many medium and networks both fixed and mobile, local and wide area.

There are however, some themes that remain constant. The world will not be totally wired to achieve it’s potential; it will be wireless. This is going to require a wide range of products and services to meet the demand of complex connected world not to mention sensible commercial propositions that can truly fulfil the potential of these opportunities.

The good news is that all the stars seem to be aligning with Apps, Networks and competition creating multiple options to create your own infrastructure for your own specific requirements and it doesn’t have to be complicated, even if you imagine it is!

But. There’s always a But! Technology is moving fast as always and not all systems and platforms last forever. The emergence of 5G is not so much the evolution we have seen in the last 25 years, it’s now more of a revolution with regard to creating services across networks. 3G and 4G services will in time be phased out by the network providers and this is not so much of a problem in the Mobile Phone world as we are used to upgrading our handsets regularly but when it comes to IoT devices which are stranded in the field then the prospect of physically having to visit multiple remote sites could become a serious problem.

However, there are things you can do now to future proof your investments in some way. Deploying flexible managed hardware and having some flexibility with regard to service provision through ESIM options is perhaps one of the biggest game changers within IoT.

We are going to be talking about how some new thinking can help you build a better support system for your business going forward and how some of the themes mentioned in this post and others are going to impact the industry and its direction.

**These views are only the personal views and opinions of the writer and are designed to generate further thoughts and discussion. 


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